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RM eBook
Real Marketing: The Skills You Need for B2B Marketing Success:
Overview of the core principles and techniques covered in the BMI MSA/B/C System (47 pages, .PDF format)

On-Demand CRM and The New Marketing Model
On-Demand CRM and
The New Marketing Model:

Keys to optimizing lead generation and lead development with on-demand CRM and your marketing program (38 pages, .PDF format)

BMI: Accelerated Training Services


Accelerated Training for Non-Marketers: Get Your Product Managers and Other Key Staff Up to Speed to Manage and Execute Effective B2B Marketing Programs

More than ever, companies are extending marketing responsibilities across all functional areas of their companies—to product management, IT, engineering, and customer service. Your valued staff members in all of these areas often find themselves involved in developing, executing, and managing marketing programs, either by promotions from within, or through cross-functional business activities, such as new product launches and major new market initiatives.

Rapid Training in Solid, Proven Skills for Effective Marketing Execution

The MSA/B/C System provides accelerated training to bring those in your company who do not have marketing backgrounds in their prior career experience or education—product managers, IT staff, engineers, sales professionals—to train in the practice of the essential background skills they need to competently manage, lead, and execute effective marketing programs.

This training need also exists in companies of all sizes who promote from within, moving their outstanding employees from sales, engineering, or technical positions into critical business-to-business marketing management functions. Those promoted from within and tasked with developing marketing programs, or working with marketing managers, contractors, and consultants on complex marketing projects will benefit greatly from the concentrated training provided by the MSA/B/C System.

Training for cross-functional teams: Since knowledge of the marketing function is critical across all operational areas in your company, this training is also a highly valuable supplement for those in your company who are included as part of cross-functional teams to work with your company’s marketing and sales staffs to execute B2B product marketing programs, and to execute marketing programs for new product launches, or launches into new markets.

With BMI accelerated training, your staff can train in a short time, at their own pace, to learn these essential skills:

• Marketing plans: Creating effective, measurable marketing plans;
• Marketing project specifications and sales content outlines: Specifying and outlining the core marketing deliverables and presentation required for effective execution of business-to-business marketing programs;
• Marketing execution: Managing the process of working with ad agencies and other outside vendors to develop, execute, and complete effective marketing programs;
• New product launches: Executing marketing programs and activities optimized for the special requirements of new product launches and new market introductions

Non-marketing professionals who train with the MSA/B/C System receive comprehensive, practical training in the proven skills and the essential best practices they can apply immediately in their roles as marketers in your company. This essential background knowledge gained from training with the MSA/B/C System brings your valued new marketing staff members up to speed quickly, and helps your company’s non-marketing staff work more effectively with your company’s marketing and sales teams.

Contact BMI for further details at 1-312-371-5663 or e-mail:

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