The Task: Plan, develop, execute, and manage public relations campaigns for company news and new product announcements, and to complement the goals and projects of your marketing program.
Project Execution: Learn how to:
Create trade, industry, and vertical media PR contact lists for your company’s news and product information announcements;
Select the right types of news announcements on your company and its products to make PR a viable contributor to sales;
Write and develop press releases and other copy to clearly and effectively communicate the key points of your announcement;
Use story pitches to work with and effectively communicate with trade and industry news editors and writers to develop new media PR placement opportunities.
Benefits to You: Minimize wasted expense and use PR to serve the goals of your lead generation marketing program.
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Course Module Description: Public Relations for B2B Lead Generation
Make PR work for your B2B marketing program: This BMI MSD module provides you with the proven, step-by-step techniques required to get your company's news, product announcements, and editorial content features published in trade publications and Web sites, vertical industry blogs, and national business media.
Most important, this module gives you a proven roadmap for utilizing public relations campaigns as part of your company's lead generation program, to make PR a response-generating part of your marketing program and preventing wasted costs on ineffective PR-related activities.
Next: What Will I Learn? (Click Tab Above)
By showing you how to effectively utilize PR in your B2B marketing program, this module helps you:
Select the announcements most likely to generate positive industry media coverage: Target the story angles for the kinds of news and product announcements most likely to be published in your industry's trade publications and online media;
Master the techniques of writing effective press releases and news announcements: Learn the proven methods for writing concise press releases that give editors and trade writers the information they need to publish their articles, build your product's applications and benefits around key business trends, and other techniques of effective PR campaign development;
Effectively communicate with trade media editors and writers to increase the likelihood of getting PR coverage: By understanding what media editors, writers, and bloggers in your industry look for when deciding what to publish, and what types of stories and story angles appeal to these contacts, you can target your PR announcements more effectively to increase their chance of getting published;
Focus and integrate your PR efforts with your marketing program: Avoid money-wasting PR activities and focus your public relations efforts on the campaigns most likely to enhance your lead generation activities
You can also buy this module as part of our special Video, Advertising, and PR Bundle, which includes two other BMI modules covering video production and print advertising planning and execution, providing important project-ready training for your B2B marketing program.
Check the Course Module Overview at right for detail on topics covered in this module . . .
Next: How Can I Use It? (Click Tab Above)
Using public relations campaigns to generate news about your company and its products can produce positive interest that can generate new leads and sales from new prospects and current customers. However, PR for B2B marketing works only if you know:
Which kinds of stories and announcements have the highest potential for generating sales leads as part of your ongoing marketing program;
How to select and develop company news and product announcements into viable news stories for your industry, by writing press releases and by planning and executing successful public relations campaigns;
How to work with editors and writers in vertical and industry publications and Web sites to get these stories published online or in print for maximum impact
This module provides the proven, step-by-step techniques required to plan, develop, and execute effective PR programs that work alongside the other activities in your marketing plan to generate new sales leads and opportunities for your sales team.
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Includes printed workbook, module review .PDF, and online skill-builder, review, and examination.
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